Best Airline Training College In Asia


Internships & Career Support

Internships And Career Support

Internships and Job vacancies

Industry-related internships are on offer for the best performers (students who have scored high scores at the theory evaluation and the interview ready program) who completed the courses. Please note that the availability of such placements will be under the sole discretion of the Management and the Faculty and may depend on such placements existing at that moment in time. Meanwhile, every possible effort is made by the management to offer job placements to successful candidates through our CV Bank.

Therefore all students completing any course offered by IAAC are advised to submit their latest CV by E-Mail to along with a covering letter disclosing his/her commitment to the future employer and mentioning any special interests to be considered at the interview. Students are advised to check periodically any new vacancies published on our notice board. For more personalized career support, guidance and counseling, students should contact Mr. Ramzeen Azeez during weekdays by booking a prior appointment with the front office.

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